(Rendering: Pacific Station North)
Pacific Station Receives $21M in State Funds
The City of Santa Cruz has received $20.9 million in grant funding for its Pacific Station Redevelopment project which will provide 100% affordable housing and infrastructure improvements to the city. The California Department of Housing and Community Development grant award came from its Infill Infrastructure Grant program. The program promotes the development of infill housing - housing built in already developed lots.
The funds will be used for site preparation and infrastructure improvements for the project, including demolition of the current METRO station and other buildings on the project site. It will also include infrastructure improvements such as better traffic signals, bike lanes, bus turn lanes, landscaping and lighting. A bicycle and pedestrian paseo to connect downtown with the Riverwalk is also included in the plan.
The project will include two apartment buildings - Pacific Station North and Pacific Station South with 165 100% affordable units. Ninety five units are planned for the north building with the remaining 70 units in the southern building. The affordable units will be deed-restricted for very-low income (50% of the area median income or lower) and extremely low income (30% of the area median income or lower). The units will remain affordable for 55 years or longer and will provide safe stable homes for many individuals and families in need of an affordable place to live.