Park Avenue Homekey Project Faces Opposition

On February 1st, the Board of Supervisors approved the Predevelopment Loan Agreement for the 2838 Park Avenue Homekey Project. The proposed three-story permanent supportive housing project will include up to 36 units, with all assisted units affordable to extremely low income households. The units will be reserved for chronically homeless people, homeless youth, and other homeless or at-risk households. Applicants will be screened before moving in and the project will have an on-site manager. But project opposition looms…

The development now faces opposition from community members.  At a town hall meeting, Supervisor Koenig received input from people residing close to the proposed project.  Among the concerns raised were a lack of environmental review and poor communication between the county and community members.  Others expressed concerns about the population the project would serve and said it’s not the right location for housing for the homeless.

Project Homekey is a statewide effort to expand housing for persons experiencing homelessness. Designed to be a quick response program, grant recipients are given just eight months from date of award to spend the capital funding. New state laws limit local jurisdictions’ decision-making powers and the state must to deny or approve Project Homekey applications within 45 days.