(Rendering: Downtown Mixed-Use Library Project)

City Council Approves Updated Design Proposal for Library Project 

On December 14th, the Santa Cruz City Council voted to accept the updated design plan submitted by the Master Library Architect, Abe Jason. With a 6-1 vote, the council accepted the updated site program and design for the Mixed-Use Library Project including the following changes:

  • an increase in affordable units from a minimum of 50 to a minimum range of between 100-125 housing units;

  • a decrease in parking stalls from 400 to 310;

  • program expansion to include an onsite daycare center; and

  • library design changes to include a two-story library facing Cedar and Lincoln Streets with a green roof and adjacent roof deck and other design elements presented by the Master Architect.

The Council also directed staff to return with a preliminary library cost model based on the library design and site program changes. Public comments from community members were overwhelmingly in support of the project.  Councilmember Brown cast the one vote opposing moving forward with the design proposal.

Prior to submitting the updated design proposal for Council approval, three public workshops were held to obtain feedback from community members.  For more information about the updated project plans, view the workshop presentation.