(Photo: Cabrillo College)

Cabrillo Pursues Grant Funds for Student & Faculty Housing

The 2021-22 State budget provides for an unprecedented one-time investment in affordable student housing: $25M per year in funds for feasibility and planning work, $500M in 2021-22 for project delivery, and another $750M in 2022-23 and 2023-24 for further project delivery.  In order to qualify for many of these funds, projects must be shovel-ready.  With that in mind, Cabrillo is moving swiftly building on momentum from a housing feasibility study conducted this spring to be eligible for these funds.  

The feasibility study was conducted by Jones, Lang, Lasalle (JLL), a firm specializing in housing economic analysis. The study determined there was demand for 220 beds of single student housing units and 70-110 units of housing for faculty and staff. The next step of the housing feasibility process will be to look at economic conditions, potential development sites on and around Cabrillo (both in Aptos and Watsonville), and project delivery models. In October, a planning grant application was submitted for $6.5M out of a $54M 298 bed project to cover both feasibility and planning work. 

State grant funds are expected to be awarded in March of 2022.

Learn more about SB 169 Higher Education Student Housing Grant Program.