HSCC Advocates for Additional Affordable Housing Funding in the May Revise Budget
April 20th, 2022— With an historic budget surplus, HSCC’s governing board agreed to sign on to a letter submitted by the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) advocating for additional funding to support several affordable housing programs, including the Multifamily Housing Program and the Housing Accelerator Program. These programs have a backlog of unfunded applications including Project Homekey, Veterans Housing Homelessness Prevention Program and No Place Like Home. NPH also advocates for additional funding for the California Low-Income Tax Credit Program and the Disaster Relief Program. HSCC will also send letters requesting support for these funding priorities to Assemblymember Mark Stone, Assemblymember Robert Rivas, and State Senator John Laird.
HSCC encourages organizations and individuals who care about affordable housing to make your voices heard in Sacramento and tell your legislators to make a deeper investment in affordable housing in the Governor’s May Revise budget! Click here to send a letter today.