(Photo: EmptyHomeTax.org)

Empty Home Tax Endorsement

The  HSCC Governing Board has endorsed the Empty Home Tax Initiative for the City of Santa Cruz.  Homes occupied fewer than 120 days a year would be taxed at a rate of $3000 for townhomes and condos. Single family homes would be levied a tax of $6000. Property owners would be required to fill out an annual form stating they had used their home for at least 120 days, and if not the tax would be added to their property tax bill.  Administrative costs to run the program would be limited to 15%.

Revenue raised from this tax would be earmarked solely for affordable housing.  The tax would provide an ongoing revenue source that could accumulate significant funds, and, over time, be a predictable source of funds for affordable housing projects.  The measure would require a 50% vote to pass. 

For more information, visit the Empty Home Tax Santa Cruz website.

Read the ballot measure title and summary.