County Releases SCC Sustainability Update
Santa Cruz County recently released its Sustainability Policy and Regulatory Update which makes several changes to the County General Plan and County Code and will serve as a blueprint for future land use and transportation priorities. Included in the Sustainability Update, are changes to land use policies and code updates to promote greater diversity in housing types to address the housing supply crisis and meet changing community needs.
Sustainability Update Housing Highlights
Addition of new General Plan policies to encourage attainable housing for residents of all income levels
New “Residential Flex” zone district for compact housing near key corridors and activity centers
Revised development standards for existing residential zones to encourage infill development
New development standards for mixed use residential/commercial development
Updates to allowed uses and permit requirements in residential zones to align with modern land uses, state laws, and new permit framework
Simplified calculations for floor-area ratio (Far), the ratio of building floor area to lot area
New design guidelines focusing on creation of high-quality housing within the context of transportation corridors and existing neighborhoods
The Santa Cruz County Planning Department will be holding several community meetings to obtain public feedback. To learn more and participate in land use and transportation planning for the county, view community meetings schedule.